Rampant by Diana Peterfreund
Monday 13 August 2012


Publisher : Harper Teen

Pages : 402
Genre : Young Adult
Type : Hardback
Cover : UK Cover
Got : Bought

Rating : ♥ ♥ ♥ 


Forget everything you ever knew about unicorns...
Real unicorns are venomous, man-eating monsters with huge fangs and razor-sharp horns. Fortunately, they've been extinct for a hundred and fifty years. Or not.
Astrid had always scoffed at her eccentric mother's stories about killer unicorns. But when one of the monsters attacks her boyfriend—thereby ruining any chance of him taking her to the prom—Astrid finds herself headed to Rome to train as a unicorn hunter at the ancient cloisters the hunters have used for centuries.


Unicorns are known to be nice creatures in stories for children. Diana Peterfreund changes that with Rampant. Astrid knows of her mothers fantasies that unicorns are real, creatures not like those told of in childrens stories. They have fangs and kill. Astrid learns quickly that her mothers fantasies are actually real. Her boyfriend gets attacked by one of these killer unicorns, so she can't deny they're real. She however, is unharmed, is she special? Well, she is part of a long line of Unicorn hunters and with unicorns showing themselves, she is wanted to do just that, hunt.
 Astrid is sent to Italy, to a place where she will become the hunter she is. Learning that being a normal teenager isn't part of that and meeting with boys has to be secret. Lots of hunters travel to Italy, to the Cloisters. They along with Astrid learn the hard way, what being a hunter means. They attract the unicorns.

Astrid irritated me somewhat because of her attitude towards boyfriends. Like having a boyfriend and sleeping with them so she could go to the prom was alright. But i suppose some teenagers are like that. Other than her attitude towards sex, Astrid was alright, she is a distinctive character. The other main characters are that also. Her cousin, perhaps the most. She has a fun aspect about her, calling her cousin by funny names and so on. To be honest i think there were too many hunters in the story. It was hard to keep up with the girls, knowing which girl was which.
 When any of the girls go out of the cloisters, it was obvious what would happen because they attract the unicorns. So it was a bit boring in a way. However, something happened probably half way through the book that changed it. Suddenly it was interesting and i wanted to know what was going on.
 This review sort of sounds like i am saying it's rubbish, it isn't. The story is well thought out, written well and is full of action and detailed gorey scenes. It is different from the usual fantasy book with the subject being what it is.

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Blogger Delaney said on 21 October 2012 at 20:22  

I've seen this and it got me from the word 'Unicorn' already! WOnderful review, I hope I get this book sometime. :)

Anonymous nfl jerseys cheap said on 8 May 2013 at 02:42  

good book cover though, but just not the book i was looking for, thanks all the same!

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♥ - Couldn't finish it
♥♥ - It was alright
♥♥♥ - I liked it
♥♥♥♥ - I really enjoyed it
♥♥♥♥♥ - It was brilliant


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