Cross My Heart by Sasha Gould
Wednesday 2 November 2011

Cross My Heart by Sasha Gould

Publisher : Puffin
Pages : 260
Genre : Young Adult
Type : Paperback
Cover : UK Cover
Got : Library

Rating : ♥ ♥ ♥ 


Laura della Scala knows nothing beyond the convent walls which have trapped and bound her since she was twelve years old. A single night will change her life. She will soon learn the difference between an arranged marriage and true, reckless love. Venice is a dangerous city. Intrigue, romance and power lie at its heart and secrets run through the blood of its rulers. They call Laura 'La Muta'. The Silent One. She is about to break her silence ...but at what cost


Laura, a venetian girl who has been in a convent is brought back into venetian life when her sister is killed. Her father is out for himself, wanting status more than what Laura wants. She is arranged to be married, to none other than the fiancee of her sister. However, the letters she wrote to Laura are far from the truth of what this man is like. A secret she learns could be the only way out of the arranged marriage, but with the top players of Venice involved will it be worth the risk for her? She joins a society which takes secrets, she isn't sure whether they are doing good or not but that's the only choice. She meets a man, a painter, who she falls in love with, but is he who he seems? The story is based on two families who both lost a son to the other. Everything links with that and Laura has to find out the secrets of that, to find out who killed her sister and who really isn't who they seem to be.
This story was good, different with a depth of history. The setting is described well and the characters have personality, to the point where you trust who Laura would, not thinking those people could be the bad players in Venice. There are lots of twists that will keep you hanging on, wanting more. The love story of Laura and the painter is sweet, innocent, but not without depth. Their forbidden love makes this perfect for the historical romance genre. There is some action too, where you don't know if Laura will be able to save herself or her lover.

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♥ - Couldn't finish it
♥♥ - It was alright
♥♥♥ - I liked it
♥♥♥♥ - I really enjoyed it
♥♥♥♥♥ - It was brilliant


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